"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain"
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Time Flies...like a volleyball
Yo y'all! Oh my goodness! I can't believe summer's almost over. It seems like I have barely been at my own house all summer.... it's just passing so fast. Sometimes I wish everything would just slow down a bit :) Have you ever wanted that?
My Mom just cut my hair.... I wanted more layers. I really like it! And it's a lot lighter.
The other day we had a few families come over for a get together! We all went swimming in the pond, played some Texas Hold 'Em and Scattergories. And the best part of it all made some s'mores! Oh...and my little sister tried cooking cherries over the fire...umm.... how should I describe the taste...well.... lets just say it had a veryyyyy interesting taste :P Yup I'll leave it at that.
My sister and I played some volleyball last night... except we didn't play with a volleyball net...no....we played red neck volleyball over the clothesline (yes, we have a net...but we weren't in the mood to set it up) It actually worked really well! My parents had quite the time watching us.... my Dad even took pictures.
Until later y'all! Bye.
My Fabulous Finds
Half sports tank: Dicks Sporting Goods
Shirt: Hollister
Belt Tony's Saddle shop
Skirt: Hand me down
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Closet Quote Of The Day!
"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around you and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate"
~Ann Landers
A little ray of sunshine
I got sunshine on a cloudy day! Do you? :) Well, I'm really looking forward to the week-end.We are going to our friends lake house for a few days! I'm super excited...and wishing the time could pass a little bit fasterrrr!
One of my nicknames is Sunshine... just thought I would share that, I also thought it went along with what I was wearing. You know the bright yellow shirt, and as it is Summer and all.
After my older sister got home from Drivers-Ed she and I went onto our roof (4 stories high, but we were on the 3rd story) and tanned. It was fun... although I didn't last very long, it was a bit too hot! Hmmmmm...maybe I should go hop in the pond to cool off....that's an idea. :)
How are you spending your Summer? I would love to hear about it!
Well, I'll see y'all later... I got a tan to finish :)
My Fabulous Finds:
Shirt: Old Navy
Belt: Tonye's Saddle Shop
Skirt: Goodwill
Sports Tank Top: Kohl's
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunny with a chance of {soy beans}
Hey y'all! So how has everyone been? Wow, I haven't been on here a little while... It's good to be back. You know I'm really believing in that saying: Summer is the busiest season... that sure is true.
This has been a pretty hot summer! It has been up in the 100's for some time now...and it doesn't seem like it's gonna let up. Not that I'm complaining, :P I really like the warm weather but this is a little to warm. Like weeding the garden in 102* degrees...not exactly the best day of my week, but hey at least I got to work on my tan (no, more of a cherry red burn) but it will be a "tan" in a few painful days :)
My Grandma came down for a visit while my parents were in Texas. We have been having an awesome time! Friday we went shopping at Kohl's. They had some really great sales going on. That's where I got this new dress, it's super comfy, soft, and really cool for this hot summer!
This hat that I'm wearing seems to be the crowd favorite! Everybody I know loves it. No, it's not mine...it's my Mom's... She just recently got it from *** drum roll please*** Goodwill (amazing what you find from there) but I usually wear it more often. I call it the "Indiana Jones hat" Doesn't it look like the hat that he wears in all his movies?
Well, I best go harvest them {soy beans} See y'all later!
My Fabulous Finds:
Hat: Goodwill
Dress: Kohl's
Belt: Kohl's
Leggings: Garage Sale
Bracelets: Aeropostale
~ Primrose
Friday, July 6, 2012
I'm just {peachy}
Hey! I bet everybody is looking forward to the weekend? Well, We are hopefully leaving around 6:00 tonight to go to Day Camp (if we are able to get out at that estimated time...which would be a record) We usually end up driving barley a mile, then we have to drive back because someone forgot there phone or we just have to bring this book...you know the usual thing every family forgets on longgggg road trips... :)

Since tonight is Sabbath I went in something a little bit more fancy. This is actually my Mom's skirt...but I snagged it from her closet...Who else besides us girls do that? You know the "oh this would look great with this so I think I will wear it...but it's not mine soooo...hey mom can I wear this? because I have nothing of mine that would match, and it would just look great"? Yeah we do a lot of that borrowing thing :) Ever do that? We really enjoy it! And yes, my mom and I are the same size...crazy, huh?!
Have you ever done that thing when your about to leave out of State and you can't stop packing and re-packing your bags? I have been doing that all day...I'm driving myself crazy!

Until I'm {peachy} again! See y'all later
My Fabulous Finds
Tank top: Garage Sale
Balero: Justice
Shirt: Forever21
Skirt: Mom's
Shoes: Consignment shop
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th of July y'all! May we remember this day not just for fun and fire works...but for our independence... and thank all of those soldiers who are out there fighting for our freedom and the ones who perished for us...we will be celebrating the 4th of July with out one person of our family...my oldest brother is in Afghanistan right now fighting to keep us safe... we can pray each day for the freedom of America and for each young man and woman who are out there in battle... so may we never forget why this day is so important, freedom and independence. Thank you and God bless America!
I am back from Teen Camp for a few days...and then I'm going back down for Day Camp! We had an awesome time. Played lots of pranks, stayed up really late, rode horses, ate tons, had some great Chapel, and made lots of new friends! Then after Day Camp we are having a Mother Daughter Camp at our house. So, I will not be gone as long as I thought! :)
Today it was 100* degrees! We were weeding the garden and sweating a bucket load! You would have thought we just got done swimming in the pond... every time I walked out side it felt like I was swimming in a furnace.
Well, have a wonderful and blessed 4th of July!
My Fabulous Finds:
Hair Clip: Claire's
Earrings: Aeropostale
Shirt: Khols
skirt: Goodwill
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